How can this game help you?​​​​​​

Just when you think you don't need innovation, your organization needs innovation the most. Certainly, all companies try to turn their ideas into success and use different methods to achieve success and use different methods to achieve success.

One of the methods that has led many companies to stunning success is the Lean Startup method. This method was first presented in Mr. Eric Reiss's book The Lean Startup, which was the best-selling business book from 2011 to 2015.

Today, lean startup has become a movement to reform the way of providing services and new products, which is running all over the world.

At the end of this workshop, the participants will have a complete mastery of the concepts of lean startup, which is the basis of starting new businesses, and they will be able to apply the practical experiences of this workshop in their own business.

About the game​​​​​​​

Lean's game is a very serious board game and a great workshop combined. A very effective and optimal way to start learning about Lean Startup.
You will enter a board game and enjoy it a lot and at the same time say that I am busy. After the workshop, you will have a very deep overview of this method, which you will take with you along with a pleasant personal experience.
The worst thing that can happen at the end of this workshop will be a humiliating failure from your friends and colleagues, which will of course bring the sweetness of learning

What has been the impact of Lean Startup on the companies in which it has been implemented?

Lean Startup is a methodology for developing new products and services, a method that tries to shorten the production process to the shortest possible time by using the methods of building-measuring-learning, developing experienced products and authentic learning.
Many companies such as: Telnor, Statoil, Opera and many others have implemented the Lean Startup method to expand their products and services and also use it to add an innovative perspective to solving their everyday problems.
The requirement to implement the method is to add the Agile project management view to the systems, which requires a detailed discussion separately



Getting to know the concepts of business promotion and development
Explaining the concepts of the Lean business model
Providing the possibility of evaluating business ideas in a controlled environment
Explaining the principles governing the startup environment
Teaching most of the book The Lean startup by Eric Reis​​​​​​​​​​​​​

+9821 22398542

+9821 22398562

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