Consulting and human resources management​​​​​​​

By using the expertise and knowledge of various industries and having the employment platform, we are able to provide the best options and solutions to our customers by performing measures such as contract management, human resource consulting and outsourcing.

By having international human resources experts, we always inform our clients about the work requirements while being fully familiar with job needs and labor law.​​​​​​

Each client is considered a unique project for us. In each project, while holding consultation meetings, we develop specific solutions and cost-effective programs and present them to customers.
Depending on the needs of customers, we are able to facilitate or fully provide the following:​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Human resources consulting roadmap

Interview & Observation
Company Identity
Organizational structure design (Structure Design)
The activities of the Human Resources Department (HR Activities)​​​​​​​

group activity
Introducing Creative Partner
Description of the road map of human resources consulting​​​​​​​

In the first stage of each project, we inform the organization about the changes that are going to happen in the organization; Because the implementation of changes will happen by the body of the organization and bringing forces together is one of the most important factors to achieve results in the project

1- Awareness

Main focus areas:

2- Interview & Observation

A requirement for an efficient consultation is a complete understanding of the organization under consideration. According to the points raised in the awareness stage, CP interviews all its members in order to know as much as possible about the studied organization. The purpose of these interviews is to explain the motivating factors of each member, each member's definition of the ruling culture and values, the job description of the people and the current structure of the organization during the one-hour sessions and by asking clear questions.

Creative Partner helps its clients to make better decisions about the organization's goals in the future by having clear information about their organization

The current structure of the organization
The current culture of the organization
Current value of the organization​​​​​​​

Main focus areas:

Mission and vision
Culture and value
Three-year plan and slogan
Social responsibility of the organization

Creative partner Companions helps its clients chart and move along a direct path between the company they are now and the company they hope to be. Organizational identity consists of three fundamental elements: goals and values, brand and cultures.
Creative Partner helps companies to provide the right platform to use their maximum capacity by designing, building and implementing the most appropriate strategy.​​​​​​

Main focus areas:

Our policy is that the new culture should arise from the body of the organization. Therefore, it is necessary for every member of the organization to be involved in its selection.
The House of Creative Companions helps company managers to determine the vision and mission of their organization by holding brainstorming sessions and formulate plans for their governance.

3- Company Identity

Description of the duties of the departments
Internal structure of departments
Governance structure

Designing work teams

Main focus areas:​​​​​​​

4- Structure Design

CP By applying the results obtained from the previous steps, he presents his proposed structure and helps organizations determine which type of organizational structure suits their needs and how they can organize and segment people and groups to help achieve organizational goals. do The main purpose of this step is to describe the organizational structure in such a way that the beginning and end of each process within the organization is clearly explained.
Creative Partner Consulting helps organizations to be clearly aware of their position in all departments on the way to the ideal organization.
Along with these important matters, determining the governance structure of the organization is one of the issues that the general organizations are not paying attention to; Therefore, we help organizations to clarify and clarify their governance structure

Strategic planning of human resources
Operational Planning
Withdrawal of the financial plan
Financial planning

The main purpose of strategic planning is to help the organization to determine its overall business goals and develop a plan to achieve them. As the organization's business becomes more complex, it is necessary to formulate strategy, operation and financial planning to become more regular and to have more and better efficiency.

CP helps organizations to create a detailed road map and move their business towards the desired direction.
In the financial planning section, the initial financial analysis will be provided by the employer, and then the house of creative companions will help the managers of the said organization to prepare a financial plan, usually for three years. The reason for following this sequence is that if the financial plan is set without financial analysis, there will be a possibility of unreasonable and unworkable targets

Main focus areas:​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Our policy is that the new culture should arise from the body of the organization. Therefore, it is necessary for every member of the organization to be involved in its selection.
The House of Creative Companions helps company managers to determine the vision and mission of their organization by holding brainstorming sessions and develop plans for their governance.​​​​​​

5- Planning

Motivation process
Human resources (HR) online platform
Rewards programs
Arrival of new employees

CP's specialized HR services help clients to improve their employees' employment status, skills and well-being.
The main purpose of this step is to hire a human resources manager and train him.
The house of creative companions helps its clients to learn everything that the human resources of the said company need to know. The duty of the employed person is to follow up and complete operational matters in the organization

6- HR Activities

Main focus areas:​​​​​​​