
In order to live in a peaceful world, work in a more relaxed environment, and to overcome change, we must learn! The present era is the age of developing personal and social skills.
Above all, leadership development for managers can lead to growth and development of human capital, improvement of personal and social behavior of employees and ultimately improvement of organizational performance.

CP offers practical courses aimed at enhancing managers' management skills and creating a pleasant, calm and learning environment for the employees.

Leading Self


Pyramid of growth 
The Learning Leader
Personality and style
Values ​​and motivations
Mindfulness in Leadership
Positive Intelligence

​Main Titles

Familiarity With different personality types
Undestanding learning styles

Undestanding positive intelligence and its impact on personal and organizational growth
Increasing productivity by raising awareness


Leading People


Finding your position as a leader or manager
Recognizing sources of power and influence
Understand the causes of conflict
Conflict management approach traning
Effective feedback and its functions

Management vs leadership
Effective and Positive communications
Influence vs. Power
 pressure vs. stress
Conflict Management

Leading Performance


productive teams
The T7 Model 
Belbin Team Types
performance management
Delegation and responsibility
performance Evaluation

​Main Titles

Methods to raise the level of teamwork and its effectiveness
Finding the right people in the team
Guiding and improving the performance level of individuals
Understand the benefits and disadvantages of delegating responsibility
Evaluation through providing and receiving feedback


Leading Inovation


Effective delegation proscess
performance evaluation
Analyze PEST
The Simplex Process

Delegation process
Barriers and stresses of delegation 
The importance of innovation at work
Find the challenges and path
Solving problems


Leadind Business


Organizational Culture
Organizational Structure
Motivational theories
Organizational change

Creating Cultural structure 
Understanding the types of organizational structures
Introduction to motivational theories of Herzberg and McClelland
Change Management